
I always liked to read and have a lot of imagination, so I should be an excellent writer, right? Don’t answer that. It was a rhetorical question.

Well, I hope so. Now, it is a little late to regret.

I moved from a fantastic tech job in London to a small town in south Italy so I could write and devote time to my other passion, technology.

I am writing a science/fantasy fiction story set in a completely new world, and I still have lots of work and research to do before I finish it.

Below, I have included some exciting projects and videos I posted while on my writing journey and my tech projects.

About me.

I always loved science.

I remember dreaming of being an astronomer in the early 90’s, watching "The Mechanical Universe" on afternoon Saturdays. Still one of the best shows to understand how our world works and what a journey to learn it.

My career choices always had science at its core, going through chemistry, physics, math, teaching, computer animation, FX and now, VR / 3D printing. I love to test and find applications for new tech.

Lately, I have discovered a new passion. Write. Right now I am working on a book and that is the main reason I am living now in South Italy (and writing this text).

If you like to know more about my new journey and my projects, keep an eye on the blog (by subscribing below) and on my YouTube channel.